Use any keys from your keyboard to replicate the mouse single-click or double-click actions. Use the accessibility tool's UI to choose the desired buttons, then move the mouse cursor to the desired item and use the keyboard to double-click it. It's useful for people who are having a hard time keeping the mouse cursor still because of certain disabilities.
Double-Clicker is a project from the non-profit Autelic Association.
The project goal is to help people who for one reason or another have difficulty performing a double-click action with a mouse, or performing it without moving the on-screen pointer during the double-click - which can have some unintended side effects.
It is a small utility that allows an unused key on the keyboard to be used to produce the double-click (and single-click) mouse event, separating pointing (via mouse or other) from activating or selecting (clicking). The mouse maybe moved with one-hand and "double-clicks" produced with the other hand on the keyboard, or the same hand can be used for both.
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